
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Decided to add something to this to see if it is still active. Anyone out there running across this please email me at redshields@verizon.com if you are intrested in keeping it up

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Hi family, I just sent the newsletter to Frances. I enjoyed it. The thing is that the news is so old by the time it gets around, I agree with Lyndall that this is worth a try.

If this works I will try again.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I just wanted to let everyone know that Inez has moved into an appartment. It is not far from where she lived. She seems very excited about it. It is a 1 bedroom but has icebox and microwave so she can still cook when she wants. This is a place where one of her friends has been for quite a while and she has visited often so she already knew all about it and liked it. They will take her to Wal-Marts once a week and to and from her Dr. appointments. She is still going to keep her car for a while.
Her address is:
3737 N. College Ave
Apt 134
Bethany, OK 73008
Linda and I, Carl and Pat, and Rita are planning to go see her next weekend.
Wish someone else would write something. I feal like I'm talking to myself sometime.
Love y'all

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

We started off the New Year with a bang. We talked with Nelda and she told us thatFrances and Rollene and herself were driving down to Aunt Inez's home. Inez called Rita so tagged along. W invited ourselves along to be a surprize guest. Nelda knew we were coming. Then Dwayne Shields found out about the event and decided he and Fran just couldn't miss out.Frances and Rollene were the only ones that did not realize who all were going to show up. Aunt Inez was just giddy with all the surprises that were coming. Another Shields trait is knowing when to time for a meal, which was breakfast. David and Jean came and cooked a wonderful breakfast enchilada's. We had a great time. The surprises were all kept so Frances and Rollene were amazed at knock at the door. We loved all of you.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hi everyone,
I know this isn't hard but I made several attempts that didn't work so now I am starting over.

I just hope more will join in. Red is wonderful to help and encourage us.

I tried to write after Mother's memorial service but I don't think it got out.

My husband, Dan, preached and Don, Frances' husband sang. Also Dwayne and Dylan led in a singing of old hymns. All 4 of my children spoke. They have a lot of good memories of Mother. At the last there was not much of the old Vera left but Don could still get her to laugh. We owe a great debt to Don, Frances and their 5 boys. They had Mother set up in their dining room for 3 years or maybe longer. She hated the nursing home so much that she had to go to after the knee surgeries etc. So I am very thankful that the Lord took her to His house instead of back there because after that last hospital stay she couldn't go back to Frances'.

Have you discovered "Pandora.com". Try it. You set up your own radio station online and it's free. Frances and I love it, Dan and Don too.

We are still interim pastors in Phoenix. Our address here is 4850 E. Desert Cove Ave, Scottsdale, AZ. 85254 and our phone is 602-388-4234. We bought a small condo for while we're here and I get lonesome.

God bless.
Nelda Young Jackson

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ann Caladrino's daughter is back from Moldova. The following was written by Ann.

Family and Friends,
The Velleuer Family is home safe in Chicago.

Pictures are at
(In case you want to add pictures, Username: jesseshieldsfamily Password: oldjake)

As you can see from the pictures the ladies were unable to wear pants – it would just not be acceptable to the people there.
Also attached is Holly’s condensed , yes condensed, report on her family’s trip to Moldova.* Thanks for your prayers during that time. They did 10 concerts in 12 days and 5 children’s day camps , with music, crafts and games, – sharing the love of Jesus at every opportunity.
Rachel did very very well during the whole trip. The only tragedy was that Holly’s video camera was left on the plane so they did not get any video of the trip – pictures only.

Note to Shields Family – one of Frances Murphy’s daughter-in-laws is from Moldova. Also Frances has spent some time there.

Lyndall: the report was 6 pages, if you want a copy email me and I send it to you. redshields@joimail.com

Sunday, September 28, 2008

This Is Lyndall Shields. I am am adding these two entries in case some one out there is checking the Blog but not getting the email updates we have been sending out.

First is about Carl Shields (Uncle Alvin's oldest). Some time ago, while he was forgetting his age again, he jumped off the bed of a truck and hurt his foot. After trying to just tough it out for a while he went to the Dr. First it was diagnosed as broken bones, then blood clots (this entailed a trip to the emergency room), then the VA said it was bone deterioration and surgery wouldn't help. He finally got an appointment with a Podiatrist that must be tied with the VA and she confirmed that he does indeed have three broken bones that have not healed and as he walks they are rubbing against one another and becoming irritated. She started trying to get a date for surgery and also sent him to test his blood circulation (due to his diabetes) in case it was so poor in his feet that it wouldn't allow everything to heal right after the surgery. He has been wearing a boot/brace and using a walker to get around.
Latest update:The circulation in Carl's foot looks fine. Next step is seeing the podiatrist again and then 1-2 trips to Dallas to have a frame made. After the surgery, she will put the frame on and he will wear it for about 6 months. The surgery requires pins,etc that will limit his foot movement. Carl will only be able to move his foot back and forth.
The Doctor is trying to shuffle things around with the other surgeon. The biggest problem is there is only 2 podiatrists at the VA hospital and they (docs) are only given 1 day a week to do surgery. They are hoping for mid October.

The next news is about Ann Calandrino (Elzie's daughter) concerning her daughter Missy. I am going to paste the messages as we received them:
8-23-08 - Please pray for Missy Morelli as she suffered a miscarriage. She has a high fever and other complications and is in intensive care at the North Kansas City Hospital.
8-23 10:00 that night - Missy is very ill and still in cardiac intensive care. The infection that she has is a mystery to her doctors and they are fighting it in every way that they can. Extremely low blood pressure, heart issues, infection and possible kidney problems are the issues they will be dealing with through out the night tonight. This infection is the reason for the baby's death (at 12 weeks). Per her Doctor and Dr Myers, this does not usually happen to a baby that is so far along.

8-25 - Every night in the hospital Missy has been plagued with lack of sleep and drug induced visions of scary and/or annoying things when she closes her eyes to sleep. Last night she begged God to take those away and let her sleep - after that she said a deep red velvet curtain (the color of Jesus' blood) was pulled across the vision in her mind and she soon fell asleep.
All through the night, the nurse continued to reduce her blood pressure medication until by 6 am she was maintaining good blood pressure on her own. She then maintained that pressure all through out the day and is being promised to be taken out of the ICU tomorrow morning.
All through the morning, Dr. after Dr. paraded through her room with comments like "Well, do you want the GOOD news or the GOOD news?" All systems are on their way to recovery and so far no apparent damage has been detected.
As the doctors were coming through, giving us the good news, each one took a moment to remind us what a serious condition Missy has survived. She has a few more days in the hospital (probably), but at least not in the ICU and then 3 weeks of extreme weakness after she returns home.

Monday, September 08, 2008

This is from Aunt Inez.

Hello All:
I don't have a computer but Lyndall wanted me to write and he would send me copies of ones that he received too, so now I'm anxious to hear from you all. I went to phone a few days ago and going to call Nelda, but before I dialed it rang and there she was.
I can't think of anything of importance that I have done this summer. I was glad David and Jean brought me to the Shields reunion. David took me to Vera's memorial service too. I'm glad that I didn't have to fight Ft. Worth's traffic. It was bad, but it was good that Dwayne Young had made reservation at a hotel near the church and near Highway 35 too. We also was able to use the church where Vera had gone for years, but it's now a different building and a different pastor, but it worked out ok. and we even had lunch served to us.
Rita called to tell me that she was coming after me if David couldn't come. That's the kind of nieces to have. Frances came quite a bit out of her way to pick me up for Juanita's service. That gave us a chance to have a good visit. We also found a wonderful place to eat on Main Street in Bowie. It is an antique store with tables anywhere there is room for any. I saw lots of things that were very familiar but I didn't feel like I had to go back to using them. The manager recommend peach cobbler for desert because he had picked the peaches that morning.
Bye for now,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Greetings from Holly Velleuer
Ann (Shields) Calandrino's daughter and E. Loyd and Marian Shields' granddaughter

My family and I reside in Barrington, IL (a Northwest Suburb of Chicago). Ron and I have 3 children. Adam and Josh are 11 and 10, and our special needs daughter Rachel is 8.

Ron is a high school orchestra director and I teach music at a preschool and to homeschoolers.

We're excited to be going on a 12 day missions trip to the country of Moldova. I know, where in the world is Moldova. It is between Romania and the Soviet Union. It is a very poor Eastern European country. We are leaving Wednesday, July 23rd. My whole family is going as well as my mother and father-in-law, sister-in-law and two other people.

I enjoyed a conversation with Francis Murphy (my mom's cousin). She has spent time in Moldova studying their culture and her daughter-in-law is from Moldova.

We are going to support the evangelistic efforts of Pastor Iurie and his church in the village of Razeni. We will be doing outreach concerts and children's workshops in the three villages surrounding Pastor Iurie's church. We will also be spending time with the children, women, and youth of his congregation. Prayers that souls will be reached for Christ and the health and safety of our team are appreciated.

It was good to read the blog. Blessings to you all!
Holly V.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hello everyone,
When Red is back in Jacksboro I'll get my pic made with him. That was my sister Elaine. Although some say we look alike when she straightens my hair. It takes awhile to do so. Yes...my hair is still very curly.
I have 3 boys 2 mine and stepson. Jarrett 17, Chance 14, Layne 13. Jarrett was named after Uncle Jarrett I'm proud to say.
Recently Chance and I ventured to Las Vegas for try-outs for singing,acting,modeling. He auditioned in Dallas. Out of the 400 kids who tried out 67 kids would be choosen. Guess what Chance was one of those lucky ones. So off to Vegas we went. I got ahead of myself the event was Ipop. Which stands for International Presentation Of Performers. Anyways, in Vegas the competion was just that international. 1800 or so kids performing. It was busy and nerve racking to say the least. At the awards show Chance was nominated for Male singer of the year. Chance received fourth place. I was in tears and very excited. Now...we are busy with agents and so forth. Wondering what's next. He has a shot at all the events he entered. So guess we'll see. We will be be meeting again in Dallas July 19th.
Jarrett writes music,sings and puts beats to his songs. He has made a demo and sounds great. He posts it on my space. His music is different it relates to his life. Guess that is how he can write so well. It's amazing how he does it. He has some offers to cut some demo's at 2 studios. Guess, we'll see.
SO...that's my life my kids. After losing my mom my life was so empty and my kids try to fill it with wonderful things. They keep me busy that's for sure.
Take care to all,
Elizabeth Moore (Liz)


Thursday, July 10, 2008


It was good to hear from Rollene.

Our cruise to celebrate our 50th anniversary was great. We had 30 people. All our children, spouses and grandchildren except our youngest (Devon) were with us. I thought that might be too much to ask for but God granted it.

We are all moved in our temporary home in Phoenix. Dan is doing an interim pastorate.

Starting next Wednesday I am going to lead a book study on "The Shack" by William Young. We have sold 25 books in a church of about 120 so I think it will be exciting. I'm getting a little nervous though. Let me know if anyone has read the book. You can get it at Sam's etc.

Try to get more cousins to get on board. If I can do this anybody can.
Nelda Young Jackson (Vera's daughter)

PS. It was so wonderful for Red to take pictures at Mother's memorial service. You can see them on the blog.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Rollene Storms –
Rollan’s daughter
June 8, 2008

Summer greetings to all. We live in Cape Girardeau, Missouri – but right now it feels more like Texas. We had a very cool spring and then a rapid transition to summer heat. (And in response to Judy’s letter – yes, her part of the United States is unbelievably beautiful – we were rather awed by the mountains, greenery, and Judy & Hayden’s hospitality!)

This is a year of change in our family. Kegan graduated last month from Western Illinois University with a degree in Zoology. He is now in Kendalia, Texas (just north of San Antonio) doing a six month internship at Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation (http://www.wildlife-rescue.org/). He’s hoping to work with the primates – his main interest.

Karsten has moved in with us. He worked at Brooklyn Teen Challenge for a couple years after he graduated from WIU. Now he’s planning to go for a masters in Counseling, and decided he needed to take counseling undergraduate courses. So he’s working on a second bachelors at Southeast Missouri University here in Cape Girardeau.

Charis has been in Mongolia for six years and has not been back in the States for two years. So she is flying back, arriving in St. Louis June 29, and plans to stay in the States for a year. She’s not sure of her plans for the year. Right now she’s just focusing on wrapping up the school year and trying to get everything ready to leave in Mongolia.

I will look forward to reading notes from the rest of the Shields’ clan.
Love to all, Rollene

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Hi, This is Linda Shields

Rollan/Lyndall's wife

Hope everyone is doing good. We had the pleasure of going to Peaster to see Rachel, Allene's daughter, (Alvin's daughter) graduate. I think I heard there are 63 graduates. Rachel graduated 3rd in her class. She is really a special person. I'm glad I've gotten to know her and her brother Rochelle.

After the ceremonies, we all met back at Allene and Donne's home. We had such a nice visit. Not to mention the hot dogs and brownies, that disappears very fast. I was smart, I got my brownie at the same time I got me hot dog. This trick I learned from Red and Ron from all the reunions they have been to.

Last weekend was very busy also. On Saurday, Brandi and Frank, Lexi, and Andrew came. Then Tony and Lili showed up. It was nice having both families here at the same time. We can't believe that is has been 15 months since Andrew was born. He is walking every where. Lexi has decided she likes Highland dancing, so we get a "recitial" every time we see her. Grandkids are great. Lexi stayed here when her parents left. Sunday night we went to Daryle's for a cook out. Rollene's youngest son Kegan came to Texas to do an internship at a wildlfe reserve and he stopped off to visit. So it was late getting home. Lexi loves reading and I play PDA games right before we go to sleep. So we have fun doing that together before lights out. Monday we met Rita and she took Lexi from us and they went on overnight road trip. That wasn't planned so Lexi never really knows what is going to happen when she comes.

Basically we are doing ok. We're having kind of a hard time. This is kind of the middle point from last year for Juanita and my grandpa. Every one knows how all the firsts are.

I really hope more and more join this and we can keep up with each other much faster. Red made hard copies of what had been wrote and sent them to Inez and she love getting news from the family faster.

Love to everyone.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi from Nelda Young Jackson,

I'm trying to send some pictures from Mother's Memorial service. Most of the people are on the Young side of the family but it would be good practice - ha. This is a challenge to me.

My husband, Dan, and I have just moved to Phoenix, AZ. for him to be interim pastor for about a year. We are buying and fixing up a condo since it seems it would be a good investment. When we go back home to CA. we can rent it out.

The church is little and everyone is related to someone so I decided real quick to not say anything bad about anyone because I can't even get the names straight much less who is related to whom. ha

I want to thank everyone who came to Mothers' service. I was a great celebration. More about that is this works.

I think this a grand idea.

Love in Christ
Nelda, Vera's daughter
I want to do this but I am not sure if I'm doing it right.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Hey everyone from Hovd, Mongolia! I'm excited about this blog....I loved reading the family letter when I was younger. It made me feel a part of the bigger family. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of your lives....

As for me, as some of you know, I'll be heading back to the States June 29th from Mongolia. I can't believe how quickly the last 6 years has flown. It's been almost 2 years since I've been to the U.S. so I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. These last few weeks it seems the time just goes by faster and faster. Even though I really want to see my family and friends in the States, in many ways I don't want to leave here - my home for the last several years. I'm planning to come back to Mongolia, most likely after a year, but when/if/where exactly aren't clear and so many changes are happening with people here, I know even when I come back it will be in a very different situation. As I write this I think I'm in some ways starting to grieve this process, sorry!

When I get back to the States I will be at my parents' in Missouri, heading to TX July 18th or so, then maybe to Bushnell, Illinois (my hometown) at the beginning of August. After that, there is a huge question mark! I have this dream in the back of my head about living, working, and studying in the evenings in Denver, CO for the next year ---there are a lot of Mongolians there, it's a place I've dreamed of living, and I have a few friends there...but it is also far from my family. So that idea very well won't transpire and I might end up living with my parents. Which would be great of course because it's been a long time since I've been with them. It's been interesting to hear my Mongolian friends' opinions about what I'll do for the year. They don't understand at all why I'm a tiny bit reticent, as a 29-year-old, to live with my parents again since for Mongolians that is completely normal if one is not married.

Anyway....my time left here looks like it will be full of finishing up classes (May 23rd), giving tests and then the National Exams (May 29th and June 10th), graduation, and then packing and visiting friends in the countryside. I plan to take a machine (oops - van!) to UB since I'll have quite a bit of luggage. As I think about leaving, sometimes it is hard not to let the questions about the future, my sadness about leaving here, or my excitement over seeing family crowd out TODAY. If you are praying for me....please ask that I will finish the task, the 'race' here well and have the grace to live in the very real present each day.

Now, y'all, it's your turn to write!

love, charis

(Rollene (Shields) Storms' daughter, Rollan and Juanita Shields' granddaughter)

PS - recently we had 3 weeks without electricity. Once we got a little camping stove from UB(Ulaanbaatar, capitol of Mongolia), making food wasn't a problem. Although I was really excited when the electricity came back, I enjoyed the time without electricity in the evenings. I spent more time talking with friends and caught up on my sleep! I think perhaps power outtages in the States could have some good effects.....

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lyndall Shields:
Well, my "test" group of people seem to like this idea so next week I am going to send out invites to as much of the family as I can.
My big news for this week is that I got a new job. I quit the one I had last January with plans to take off for 3 months or so. It stretched out a little longer but in doing so it allowed me time to work on Aunt Vera's slide show, visit with kin folks more, and get to spend some time with my granddaughter.
I am very excited about my new job mainly because it is only 4 miles from home. In the last 25 years I have worked at 3 jobs that ranged between 32 and 43 miles one way. And the worst of it was that I was driving on Airport freeway and the north part of loop 820. These two freeways are the most congested in the Fort Worth area and I have come to hate driving.
So now I will be spending 2 to 2 1/2 hours less a day driving, putting 20,000 miles less on my car each year, and spending $55 less each week on gas. Plus it looks like a very good job with a growing company. It is a family owned business who have a reputation of being good people with high moral standards. This was not the case with 2 out of my last 3 jobs.
I believe God had a hand in both the timing of my "vacation" and in my getting this job.
Pray for our family, Vera's family, and Margie's family as we spend our first Mothers Day without our mothers.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hi, This is Winelda aka Judy Bishop.
This sounds like a great idea. The way postage keeps going up, the "Family Letter" is getting expensive and I always hesitated to write very long letters.
If I may a suggestion first thing? Maybe each of could identify ourselves to begin our remarks. As we get more people writing, it would help understand what is being said to know who is saying it.
I am up to my eyeballs in work. It is a beautiful day and it is just plain mean to have to stay inside and work. Ask Rollene, Rita and Charis if our world isn't beautiful.
I'll try to write more later, maybe even find something more interesting to say.
Love to all of our great big family.

Hi this is Lyndall.

I tried this a few years ago and it didn't catch on. I am wondering with the concerns about the family letter collapsing under its own weight if this could now be an alternative.

My big news is that after Aunt Vera's Memorial we were worried that everyone might not stay in touch as well. It turns out that Tammy Wilson (Nelda's daughter) and I have had several email conversations since and I hope we continue. Last Sunday Daryle, Rita, and I went to clean up at Lynn Creek and met Elizabeth Moore (Margie's Daughter) and exchanged information. Yesterday, 5-8, I went back to Jacksboro and spent two hours going over pictures with Larry Shields. Then I went Elizabeth's house and spent an hour listening to stories about Margie last months ( she stayed with Elizabeth). I found that Margie had a large dose of Shields sense of humor that I hadn't realized. Elizabeth is going to send some picture to back this statement up. I ended the day by stopping of at Carl's, if you can count 2 1/2 hours as stopping off.

I am attaching pictures of Elizabeth and I.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Fran had 3 arteries blocked, 70, 80, & 90%. They did the 99%. In two weeks they will do another. Something about not doing all at once might harm her kidneys.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Fran shields is having a Heart Catherization Monday,15. She has been having some chest pain. Remember she had a by pass a few months back. They think this may be scar tissue from the other surgery. Remember her in prayer.

Friday, February 27, 2004

I would like to welcome everyone and I hope this will be another way we can stay in touch.

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